Pcampuzano’s Profile

Active 4 years, 10 months ago
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HIST 1103 Boyle IN PERSON FALL 2023

S. Boyle
His 1103

This course is a chronological and thematic introduction to the history of Western interactions with the wider world from the late 1800s to the present, emphasizing the following events: the rise of nationalism in […]

Prof. James Wu’s Summer 2019 English 1121

James Wu
Eng 1121|Summer 2019

This is a five week course covering the full course of English 1121, part 2 of the first year writing program.


Sarah Jacobs
English|1101|Fall 2018

How would you describe New York? How does your own experience of New York City life compare to what is depicted in the media? Is New York really a place of opportunity? What does New York owe its citizens and […]