Phoebe’s Profile

Active 8 years, 9 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Health Sciences

My Courses

ENG2000-E225 Perspectives in Lit, SP2016 (Fridays)

ENG2000-E225 Perspectives in Lit, SP2016 (Fridays)

Readings in and writings about literature across genres, eras and locales. Themes include family, the individual and society, good and evil, gender, faith and “the human heart in conflict with itself.” Essays and exams based on readings. This section meets Friday evenings.



RAD 2325 Radiographic Procedures III (fall only) 1.5 cl hrs, 1.5 lab hrs, 2 cr Materials fee $30 This course is a continuation of RAD 1225 with an emphasis on more advanced radiographic positioning and procedures. Practical laboratory experiences include advanced skull and spine procedures. Prerequisites: RAD 1225, RAD 1226, RAD 1227, RAD 1229; Corequisites: RAD 2326, RAD 2327, RAD 2328

My Projects

RAD 2325 Interhospital Research

RAD 2325 Interhospital Research

RAD2325 Faculty: Zoya Vinokur RAD 2325 | Radiologic Technology and Medical Imaging | Fall 2013 RAD 2325 Radiographic Procedures III (Fall only) 1.5 cl hrs, 1.5 lab hrs, 2 cr Materials fee $30 This course is a continuation of RAD 1225 with an emphasis on more advanced radiographic Positioning and procedures. Practical laboratory experiences include advanced skull and spine procedures. Prerequisites: RAD 1225, RAD 1226, RAD 1227, RAD 1229 Corequisites: RAD 2326, RAD 2327, RAD 2328

Rad 2325 Group #6 Discussion Forum

Rad 2325 Group #6 Discussion Forum

A platform for students in Rad 2325 Group #6 to discuss about the group project.

My Clubs

Phoebe hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.