Erick Panamaā€™s Profile

Active 3 years ago
Erick Panama
Display Name
Erick Panama
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management

My Courses

ENG1121 Comp2, SP2022

ENĀ­G1121 Comp2, SP2022

This secĀ­ond-term comĀ­poĀ­siĀ­tion class builds on the tools from ENĀ­G1101 and uses them to creĀ­ate work thatā€™s all about our pubĀ­lic selves and the world we live and work in.

My Projects

HMGT Academic Advising

HMGT AcaĀ­dĀ­eĀ­mic AdĀ­visĀ­ing

AdĀ­vice, tips and reĀ­sources from facĀ­ulty, staff and stuĀ­dents to enĀ­sure all HosĀ­piĀ­talĀ­ity ManĀ­ageĀ­ment stuĀ­dents can deĀ­sign their own path to gradĀ­uĀ­aĀ­tion.

My Clubs

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Erick's Friends

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