nicole’s Profile

Active 9 years, 11 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Communication Design

My Courses

ADV 2450: Web Design 1

ADV 2450: Web Design 1

A required course for all Advertising Design and Graphic Arts students. Topics include creative user interface design and best workflow practice. Students will design a website using an XHTML template, and will develop design, typography and web programming skills. XHTML and CSS will be taught.

Advanced Career Writing, Wednesday Section

Advanced Career Writing, Wednesday Section

English 3771, Advanced Career Writing, will provide you with the opportunity to improve your ability to write business documents through applied study and critique from the professor and your peers. You will develop the knowledge, skills, and processes necessary to develop common documents under constraints typically found in the workplace. You will research, plan, organize, write, revise, and present documents and oral communications. In this course, document content and format are stressed, along with audience analysis, problem-solving, and an awareness of ethical issues and the global impact of business communications. The types of documents that you will compose include, but are not limited to, business letters, memos, and short reports for various purposes, and a more lengthy collaborative research report.

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