Natalia’s Profile

Active 8 months, 1 weeks ago
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Major Program of Study

My Courses

ENG 1101Co D220

ENG 1101Co D220

English 1101Co is a writing- intensive course designed to strengthen your composition skills. Writing a variety of essays, in addition to a research paper, will help you develop skills such as building an argument, adopting your writing for different needs and situations, interpreting and responding to a text, incorporating secondary source material effectively, and mastering the mechanics of quoting, citing, and documenting sources. The poems, short stories, essays, and newspaper articles we will read together are focused on New York City and urban issues. We will be reading pieces both for their inherent literary value and also as models of composition that you may employ in your writing assignments. Reflecting on your own experiences alongside these texts will ensure active discussion regarding communities, public space, urban art forms, education, class, race, gender, crime, gentrification, and other topics of debate.

My Projects

ARTH 1100 OL 20 – OER History of Photography Resources

ARTH 1100 OL 20 – OER History of Photography Resources

This website is an OER for City Tech’s ARTH1100 History of Photography course. Course Description: An introduction to photography as a fine art and communications medium, from the publication of its invention in 1839 to the present, among Western practitioners. Illustrated lectures and discussions appraise diverse overlapping functions of photographs and view camera work within the history of art and culture. Changing styles, purposes and techniques are outlined chronologically.

My Clubs

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