Nathan’s Profile

Active 10 years, 2 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Entertainment Technology
Academic interests

Music and Film Production


My name is Natik Isakov but i liked to be called Nathan because my original name is too hard to pronounce. I graduated Kingborough Community College with an Associates degree in Liberal Arts, the reason it was liberal arts is because i did not know what field would intrest me the most but we got that cleared up now. Usually everyone graduates within 4 years after graduating high school but not me i took some years off to think about what i want and what i want to do in life, i work as a store manager for a big master dealer sprint company, im head of sales and tech team of several locations.

My Courses

IMT1101 Emerging Media Foundations SP2015

IMT1101 Emerging Media Foundations SP2015

An introduction to interactive multimedia technology with a focus on interdisciplinary, project based, cooperative learning. Attendees will be immersed in the protocols and processes of the design process: ideation, presentation, dissemination, prototyping, and production. Participants will explore basic theoretical and applied concepts of audio, visual, tactile and interaction design through creative group projects, visiting professionals, and online documentation of work produced. This course provides a foundational structure necessary for working in the the highly interdisciplinary media technology field. This course lays the foundation for work and research practices that the will be expected to follow in the rest of the academic career and in the workplace.

My Projects

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