Nafisa’s Profile

Active 3 years ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences
Academic interests


My Courses

ENG2575 OL68 Technical Writing, Fall 2021

ENG2575 OL68 Technical Writing, Fall 2021

Students communicate technical and scientific information to a variety of audiences through written and oral presentations, using electronic media such as the Internet, Power Point and graphics programs. Students also analyze readings in science and technology, study technical writing models and practice collaborative research and presentation. Prerequisite: ENG 1121 Equivalent to old course ENG 3773. This class meets online asynchronously. Please make sure that you join the correct section.

My Projects

Report on the Threat of Phishing

Report on the Threat of Phishing

This is a report detailing the threat of phishing. In this report you will find the history of phishing, how it was conducted in the past and today, the outcomes of being a victim to phishing, prevention methods, and our recommendations to prevent phishing. Research was conducted using the City Tech online library. The goal of this report is to educate the public on the severity of phishing, the threat it poses to the online world, and provide awareness.

My Clubs

Nafisa hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.