Mumin Khan’s Profile

Active 1 years, 5 months ago
Mumin Khan
Display Name
Mumin Khan

My Courses



This is an Amer­i­can Lit­er­a­ture I course.



De­vel­op­men­tal Eng­lish

My Projects

Analytical Research Report on Data Breach

An­a­lyt­i­cal Re­search Re­port on Data Breach

This re­search re­port ex­am­ines the reper­cus­sions of data breaches as well as the sig­nif­i­cance of main­tain­ing data se­cu­rity. We an­a­lyze the issue and ex­plore a va­ri­ety of po­ten­tial so­lu­tions as well as tips on how to stop data breaches.

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