Prof. Pinto’s Profile
AI, VR, Semantic Web, Mobile
My Courses
CST2409 Web Programming II, FA2022
Development of Web applications using several programming technologies such as AJAX, jQuery, Apache, and MySQL. Web pages built with HTML, Javascript, and PHP.
My Projects
City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information
College Council Technology Committee
“This committee shall be responsible for making recommendations to the college administration regarding instructional, academic, and administrative technology throughout the college. It is also responsible for evaluation of current technological infrastructure of the college. Other college-wide committees with a primary focus on technology will maintain an active relationship with and provide resource personnel to the technology committee. To further this goal, the technology committee shall be represented on all college-wide committees dealing with instructional, academic, and administrative technology. Each academic year it shall produce an evaluative report on at least one important area of its purview.” -Article V, D.14 of the NYCCT College Governance Plan
My Clubs
Computer Systems Technology Colloquium
The Computer Systems Technology (CST) Colloquium is dedicated to providing the students, staff, and faculty of New York City College of Technology, the City University of New York, and the greater public with access to information regarding the latest developments in computing from both a research and industrial perspective. We strive to schedule speakers that have a prominent influence in the computing field and that can engage our audience to have a deeper understanding and passion for computers, software engineering, programming languages, networks, and other topics.