Mirabella’s Profile

Active 11 years, 9 months ago
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My Courses

General Biology 1

Gen­eral Bi­ol­ogy 1

This course is an in­tro­duc­tion to the sci­en­tific study of life, or­ga­ni­za­tion of life, evo­lu­tion­ary changes in liv­ing or­gan­isms and how life has evolved from sim­ple to more com­plex, struc­ture and or­ga­ni­za­tion of a cell, cel­lu­lar me­tab­o­lism, cel­lu­lar re­pro­duc­tion, and the role of DNA in pro­tein syn­the­sis and hered­ity.

Prof. Smith’s M1275 College Algebra and trigonometry, in Spring 2013

Prof. Smith’s M1275 Col­lege Al­ge­bra and trigonom­e­try, in Spring 2013

Learn how to solve qua­dratic equa­tions, sys­tems of lin­ear equa­tions, and ex­po­nen­tial and log­a­rith­mic func­tions. You’ll also get to learn some trigonom­e­try, in­clud­ing iden­ti­ties, equa­tions and so­lu­tions of tri­an­gles. To do well in this course: prac­tice, prac­tice and prac­tice some more.

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