Sandra P. Mejias Vega’s Profile

Active 1 years, 4 months ago
Sandra P. Mejias Vega
Display Name
Sandra P. Mejias Vega
Major Program of Study
Entertainment Technology
Academic interests



My Courses

ENT 4499 Culmination Project FA 2020 – SP 2021

ENT 4499 Culmination Project FA 2020 – SP 2021

The senior thesis project, utilizing skills in an innovative way to develop a project that relates to the entertainment industry. Projects are developed through courses in the entertainment technology and/or emerging media technology programs. Projects require approval by the advisor and must demonstrate management, technical design and presentation skills. Documentation of planning, design and realization is presented to a committee of instructors, both in entertainment technology and related disciplines, as well as to industry professionals selected by the student and approved by the advisor. Though students enroll in this course during their senior year, development of the project should begin during the second semester of the junior year.

ENT1190 Intro to Video SP14

ENT1190 Intro to Video SP14

An introduction to the basic components and practices of preproduction and production methodologies for content creation in commercial video and film production. Through lectures, reading assignments, screenings and practice, students will learn the basics of all stages of production inclusive of the processes of forming and working in production management teams, creating effective production aesthetics in pre-­‐ production and production stages, scriptwriting and storyboarding, cinematography aesthetics (lighting and camera), and design and graphics functions in editing. Students will explore several modes of communication such as commercials, public service announcements, fictive works, documentary and journalism and learn how to convey information and messages to a target audience.

ENT 3310 Monster Shop FA2019

ENT 3310 Monster Shop FA2019

Special uses of plastics and metals in the fabrication of stage scenery and scenery elements. The major emphasis will be placed on the forming and shaping of various plastics, molds and casting, problems of safety and toxicity and the selection and use of metals.

Advanced Scenery Fall 2018

Advanced Scenery Fall 2018

There is a nationwide shortage of competent carpenters and technical directors in the theatre. Students taking this class will have the opportunity to practice all of the most important skills that can lead to a successful and rewarding career in the field. Even the most complex set is built up from many smaller, simpler parts. Mastering the skills presented in this class will give you a strong foundation in scenery construction that will support your work in the future, no matter how complex it becomes. Coursework will focus heavily on lab and project work.

ENT 4410 Technical Direction Spring 2019

ENT 4410 Technical Direction Spring 2019

An in depth analysis of the planning, budgeting and construction processes used in the production of scenery. Students will apply their knowledge of construction and drafting techniques and process to generate shop drawings, develop budget estimates and plan construction schedules.

My Projects

Animatronic Eyes

Animatronic Eyes

Building a complete Animatronic eyes with Arduino

My Clubs

Sandra P. Mejias Vega hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.