Miguel’s Profile

Active 8 years, 2 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Human Services

My Courses

Becoming Agents of Change: ENG/HUS1101

Becoming Agents of Change: ENG/HUS1101

Becoming Agents of Change: A Human Services 1101 and English 1101 Learning Community: In this Learning Community, we will investigate what it means to be an agent of change. By identifying the one social issue that you are most passionate about, you will explore what about your experiences make you interested in this issue, what your current role is in relation to this problem, and what you can do now and in the future to solve this problem.

My Projects

City Tech CREAR Futuros

City Tech CREAR Futuros

A postsecondary degree is increasingly necessary in the global economy, but only 15% of NYC Latino students are graduating from high school “college ready”. In order to improve these rates, Hispanic Federation (HF) and the City University of New York (CUNY) are launching CREAR Futuros to bring increased attention and resources to improving educational achievement and economic opportunity for Latinos. https://linktr.ee/citytechcrearfuturos

My Clubs

Anime Gaming Underground

Anime Gaming Underground

Anime & Gaming Underground is a social club where people who are interested in animation, Japanese anime, animation/anime card games (such as: Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh), roll playing games, and video/computer games can hang out and have fun.

Miguel's Friends

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