Dell’s Profile

My Courses
ARTH 1102 History of Art: Renaissance to Modern
Survey of Western Art from 1300 to the Present
Topics include an in-depth study of functions such as polynomial functions, radical functions, rational functions, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions; connections to vectors and complex numbers; solving trigonometric equations, and identities involving sum, double and half-angle formulas; Binomial Theorem and progressions.
MTEC3230, Mixed Reality for Immersive Worlds, SP2018
This course will explore the new frontier of virtual, augmented and mixed reality across different market sectors. Students will experiment with designing and developing game-based and interactive projects employing AR, VR, wearables, IoT, and machine learning for mobile, web and console environments. Students will learn the fundamentals of Unity development, 3D modeling, stereoscopic perception and experiential design in the context of storytelling and content creation specific to these emerging forms. Students will work in small teams on collaborative projects with the latest head-mounted and sensor technology.
MTEC1003 – Media Computation Skills Lab – Spring 2015
This class will cover some basic tools, skills, and best practices that support programming. Topics include source code management, basic front-end technologies (HTML/CSS, JavaScript), Unix command line tools, and basic server administration. Avatar image source: Flickr user laughingsquid
MTEC 3125 Non-Linear Narrative
hrough the examination of the earliest gestures of cave drawings to sophisticated multimedia narratives, students study the ingredients and structures necessary for compelling digital storytelling. Through hands-on projects, students produce visual, auditory, written, physical and integrated sequences using video, sound, music, text, animation, web, mobile, games & the internet of things.
My Projects
Entertainment Technology Culmination Project
Project site for all Entertainment Technology and Emerging Media Technology majors.
The MC-Drone(Mind Controlled Drone) is the thesis project I’ve decided to fabricate in my senior year at City Tech. The concept behind the project is to provide users with a hands free method of interacting with and ultimately fly an everyday RC(Remote Controlled) helicopter without the need for a physical control median. By removing the current limitation of physical remote controls I aim to engage more people in the realm of interactive experiences without relying on modern day means.
A Web browser and Mobile application based game in which players collect and compete against other players for the chance to be the best.
My Clubs
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Dell's Friends
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