marlennlopez07’s Profile
Readings & Resources for Building Technology This site contains articles on construction documents, codes, AutoCAD and Revit/BIM.
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ARCH 2480 Structures Fall 2012 Mishara
Analysis of structures and materials in architecture
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ENG 2400 Films from Literature D 562 Spring 2015 D550 Fridays 11:30 – 2:00 This course will allow students to examine the relationship between film and their literary sources. Through […]
Design Foundation II Arch 1210 Monday & Wednesday Fall 2012
Architectural Design II: Foundations is the second course in the one year foundation sequence which increases the student’s ability to perceive visual cues, create visual design, formulate concepts, and render i […]
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Visual Studies II Arch 1291 Monday Fall 2012
Visual Studies II builds on the knowledge of architectural representation and visualization obtained in ARCH 1111 and ARCH 1191. This course is taken in tandem with ARCH 1211. (Architectural Design II: […]
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