Mark Ikhiilov’s Profile

My Courses
CET 3640 – Software for Computer Control
CET 3640 – Software for Computer Control
EMT 2390L – Operating Systems Laboratory
EMT 2390L – Operating Systems Laboratory
ARTH 1102 History of Art: Renaissance to Modern
Survey of Western Art from 1300 to the Present
Component and Subsystem Design II
Catalog description: Continuation of CET 4705. Further design of subsystems requiring solution by differential equations. Worst-case designs and component tolerances, development of control systems. A term project may be assigned.
English 1101, Sec. 5336: Writing Matters
This course is designed to develop your reading, writing, critical thinking, and basic research skills. Together we will read, analyze and discuss a range of prose texts that will serve as a basis for your own written work. Expressing ideas effectively in writing takes practice, so be prepared to write often in class, share your work with classmates, and engage in editing, drafting, and revising exercises. This is not a lecture course! We will use a workshop model. In fairness to the whole class, each class member must therefore do all assignments and be prepared to participate actively in class activities. As per CUNY guidelines, you should expect to spend a minimum of 6 study/preparation hours each week outside of class time. We meet T/F 10:00 – 11:15 in Namm 1004. Image credit: burtonwwod & holmes. Composition 2.05. Photo. 2010. Web. 23 Jan. 2012.
My Projects
Mark Ikhiilov hasn't created or joined any projects yet.
My Clubs
Mark Ikhiilov hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.