Maria E Pulgarin’s Profile

Active 7 years, 8 months ago
1 to 7 (of 7)

COMD Communication Design Internship Coordination Site


This site is designed to help you find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor such as an advertising agency, graphic […]

COMD 3530 Advanced Photography Studio Fall 2016

Communication D...|COMD 3530

This course will explore studio photography as a means to communicate ideas. Students will learn to use lighting to transform subject matter into metaphor, mood and meaning as well as how to develop visual […]

TUE_SBS2000 Research Methods, FALL2015 SecD942

Sean MacDonald, Pa Her
Social Science|SBS2000|Fall 2015

An introduction to the research methodologies utilized in the social and behavioral sciences, beginning with the fundamentals of research design, through data collection, analysis, interpretation, and the final […]

CDMG4900 EO52 6920 SU2017

CDMG4900 EO52 6920 SU2017

Communication D...|CDMG 4900 |Summer 2017

Internship in Communication Design Assignment to field work/study situations of approximately eighteen plus hours per week at a graphic arts-related internship site approved by the department internship […]

COMD3503FALL2016 Topic in Graphic Design

COMD3503FALL2016 Topic in Graphic Design

Marianna Trofimova
Communication D...|COMD3503|Fall 2016

Explores the role of graphic designer in contemporary visual communications with related design assignments and research. Graphic design trends; the impact of computer technology; examination of the work of major […]



Marianna Trofimova
Communication D...|COMD 2450|Fall 2015

A required course for all Advertising Design and Graphic Arts students. Topics include creative user interface design and best workflow practice. Students will design a website using an XHTML template, and will […]

Graphic Principles 1 fa2014

Professor Rosenblatt
Communication D...|adv1100|Fall 2014

The study and use of graphic communication tools through understanding graphic elements and principles geared to the development of sensitivity to the nature of graphic relationships and their control within a […]