Demani’s Profile

Active 3 years, 7 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

ENG1101 OL57, SPR2021

ENG1101 OL57, SPR2021

English Composition I: A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for “classroom” discussion and as a basis for essay writing.

My Projects

Demani hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Citytech E-Sports Club

Citytech E-Sports Club

The Citytech E-Sports club is a community that bring students together who have an interest in competitive gaming and gaming in general. The club aims to build a community where students can socialize, compete and express their passion for gaming and the competitive side to it. Members will be in a friendly environment where games are brought to a competitive level, being able to learn from each other, sharing strategies and developing new knowledge. The club also seeks to be able to compete at collegiate competitions at a national level. Other plans include hosting local prized gaming tournaments in the school itself. We meet every Thursday 12:45 – 2:15 PM in the Voorhees Building room V-321 Got any questions? Email us at Facebook Page: Twitter: Come join our discord :

Demani's Friends

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