Malik.G’s Profile

Active 6 years, 2 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Mechanical Engineering Technology

My Courses

MECH3600 Mechanical measurement and instrumentation Nakamura Spring2017

MECH3600 Mechanical measurement and instrumentation Nakamura Spring2017

This course teaches technique, equipment and measurement procedures used by Mechanical Engineers

MECH3500 Fall2018 Nakamura

MECH3500 Fall2018 Nakamura

Matlab, numerical methonds. Please see the couse syllabus.

MECH4730 FEM Nakamura

MECH4730 FEM Nakamura

fall 2018

MECH3510 Adv Solid Modeling II Nakamura Summer I 2018

MECH3510 Adv Solid Modeling II Nakamura Summer I 2018

MECH3510 Adv Solid Modeling II Nakamura Summer I 2018

My Projects

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Malik.G's Friends

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