maksim drapey’s Profile

Active 10 years, 1 months ago
maksim drapey
Display Name
maksim drapey
Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology
Academic interests

architecture, digital fabrication

My Courses



The reclamation of the New York City waterfront has brought city planners, neighborhood groups, developers, and design professionals together to chart the future of this valuable public resource. In this studio students design a master plan for a Brooklyn waterfront site adjacent to Industry City in Sunset Park that takes into account these varied interests. Students divide into teams that work directly with constituent stakeholders to understand their needs and devise a program for that constituent for implementation in the new project. Subsequently, students separate into new teams in which they devise their master plan. Finally the students insert an individual mixed-use building into their master plan that accommodates the program they and their constituent have determined. Students will use OpenLab as a forum in which they will post their research, share their ideas, and solicit feedback from other students and faculty.

Introduction to Industrial Robotic Automation for Architectural Manufacturing

Introduction to Industrial Robotic Automation for Architectural Manufacturing

This Perkins-funded, non-credit bearing pilot course will give students a basic introduction to the world of industrial robotic arms and automated manufacturing. An architectural assembly will be proposed, simulated, and prototyped using graphical programming in Robot Studio, the ABB RAPID code language, and the ABB IRB 140 industrial robotic arm.

ARCH 3610 Advanced Design Spring 2014

ARCH 3610 Advanced Design Spring 2014

Profs. Lia Dikigorpoulou and Jill Bouratoglou M/W 12:00- 3:20pm V0811



One-to-One is a research project about 3D printing at larger scales. There are many projects that deal with DIY 3D printing in general but most only deal with small scale objects. This project intends to move beyond the typical sizes and material to allow large, full scale, usable objects to be created. Large printing is not new but it is rare and expensive. This project intends to bring the same type of easy to build, easy to use printers that are emerging but to the next level in size and speed. A few areas of the current technology will be addressed in order to make printing at larger scale more feasible.

My Projects

Urban Design Reference

Urban Design Reference

This project site provides various reference materials and links as a resource for courses at City Tech that are addressing urban design.

NYCCT Winter Show

NYCCT Winter Show

An exhibition of student work in the field of Architectural Technology & Design.

My Clubs

maksim drapey hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.