Laura Westengard’s Profile

Active 1 months ago
37 to 42 (of 42)
ENG1121 Melgard sp2016

ENG1121 Melgard sp2016

Holly Melgard
English|ENG1121|Spring 2016

English 1121: Composition II, Sections D432 + D475, Spring 2016, Instructed by Holly Melgard

English 1101-D359 Fall 2013

Laura Westengard
English|ENG1101|Fall 2013

This course focuses on effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. Demanding readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing. As part of a […]

ENG3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture, S15

ENG3407 Gothic Literature and Visual Culture, S15

Laura Westengard
English|3407|Spring 2015

The purpose of this course is to gain a better understanding of the popular genre of the Gothic as it was developed and practiced in the late-eighteenth century and through to today in a variety of cultural […]

ENG092W Developmental Writing, S15

ENG092W Developmental Writing, S15

Laura Westengard
English|092W|Spring 2015

This is a course in writing skills focusing on composing the essay, including revision and proofreading, designed to prepare students for credit-level writing courses. The course emphasizes instruction in advanced […]

ENG2000-E218 Perpectives in Lit, F14

ENG2000-E218 Perpectives in Lit, F14

Laura Westengard
English|ENG2000|Fall 2014

Identity Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Literature: This course provides students with an introductory understanding of identity, focusing specifically on the concepts of gender and sexuality as they […]

English 1101-D336 Fall 2013

English 1101-D336 Fall 2013

Laura Westengard
English|ENG1101|Fall 2013

This course focuses on effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. Demanding readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.