Esther’s Profile

Active 1 year, 10 months ago
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Academic interests

anatomy and psychology


I am stuck on deciding what I want to do for the future so I haven’t selected what to study for except having high hopes for Liberal Arts. I am thinking of choosing Liberal Arts because Radiologic Technology and Medical Imaging(one of the majors I want to work on but can’t) is very competitive and I can’t seem to keep up with the competition. I am also thinking of swimming and maybe even become a lifeguard. I used to swim a lot when I was younger but I haven’t done it in a while so I am a bit rusty. But I do hope that I can at least maybe swim again. I used to love swimming but I don’t know how I feel about it now since it’s been so long. I also enjoy listening to music (christian music) for church where I work with the Media team so I need to know how the lyrics go from the beginning to the end of a song to put up through the projector from the laptop where all the songs are.
I honestly don’t like math because there’s so much steps to remember for different types of what’s in College Algebra and Trigonometry. But I do believe if I get the proper tutoring I can do well like how I did in some school I attended in the past. Why is there so many different ways to get the answer to a question. And the homeworks from webwork are so extra which makes me want to just give up. But I’m not going to give up and get tutoring, the proper tutoring.

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