Lucien Spect’s Profile

Active 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Lucien Spect
Display Name
Lucien Spect
Office Location
Academic interests

experimental writing, literary arts, fiction, poetry, prosody


Hello! I just started teaching at City Tech this semester, after graduating from UC San Diego with my MFA in Writing. I like to write poetry, stories, and essays. I also play music and dance. I have two dogs, Rugi and Halsa.

My Courses

ENG1101 Comp1, F24 (E465)

ENG1101 Comp1, F24 (E465)

This is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including the use of the library. College-level readings are assigned for classroom discussion and essay writing. In addition, we will utilize a digital platform called OpenLab, which will help us to engage with each other’s writing and with the world outside of the classroom.

ENGL1101 CB – D451, FA2023

ENGL1101 CB – D451, FA2023

ENG 1101 using the Core Books at CUNY and First Year Writing curricula. “Books Everywhere–Books Background” avatar shared with a public domain license.

ENG 1121 Core Books Model Course

ENG 1121 Core Books Model Course

This is a clonable Model Course for ENG 1121 using the Core Books at CUNY and First Year Writing curricula. “Red Opened Books Illustration” avatar by leonildo pires.

ENGL1101 CB – D440, FA2023

ENGL1101 CB – D440, FA2023

ENG 1101 using the Core Books at CUNY and First Year Writing curricula. “Books Everywhere–Books Background” avatar shared with a public domain license.

My Projects

Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

My Clubs

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