Qi Qing Lin’s Profile

Active 7 years, 9 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)
ARTH 1102 History of Art: Renaissance to Modern

ARTH 1102 History of Art: Renaissance to Modern

Michael J. McAuliffe

Survey of Western Art from 1300 to the Present

ENG3401 Law Through Literature, FA2016

Jason W. Ellis
English|ENG3401|Fall 2016

We will explore issues of law, its systems, its application, and its challenges through works of literature. The way in which we will read and access the literary works assigned as readings will be part of our […]

LIB1201Reasearchand documentation for the information age

LIB1201Reasearchand documentation for the information age

Tess Tobin
Library|LIB1201|Spring 2016

This course explores research and documentation for all media formats including text, images, sound, and multimedia. Students will explore information issues, especially in terms of their relevance today: how […]