Linedys’s Profile

Active 5 years, 9 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences

My Courses

HEA 1100 – Human Sexuality

HEA 1100 – Human Sexuality

This class examines knowledge and attitudes towards human sexual behavior.

MAT1275, FA2017

MAT1275, FA2017

College Algebra and Trigonometry An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, the distance and midpoint formula, graphing parabolas and circles, systems of linear and quadratic equations, an introduction to exponential and logarithmic functions. Topics from trigonometry including basic trigonometric functions, identities, equations and solutions of triangles.

ENG2001, Intro to Fiction, SP2017

ENG2001, Intro to Fiction, SP2017

This semester, we will explore the elements of fiction by reading twentieth and twenty-first century American literature. Through an intensive study of selected short stories and a novel, using critical reading, discussion, and writing, students will become familiar with important themes and methodologies of fiction. Throughout the course, we will analyze and discuss how authors use traditional elements of fiction (setting, point of view, etc.) to express their ideas and to develop their plots and characters.

My Projects

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My Clubs

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