lifeng wu’s Profile

Active 1 months, 1 weeks ago
lifeng wu
Display Name
lifeng wu
Major Program of Study

My Courses

Mat 1272_Statistics_Spring 2020

Mat 1272_Statistics_Spring 2020

An introduction to statistical methods and statistical inference. Topics include descriptive statistics, random variables, distributions, sampling estimation and inference, t-tests, Chi-square tests and correlation.

BUF 4700 Contemporary Issues in the Fashion Industry

BUF 4700 Contemporary Issues in the Fashion Industry

This is an Open Educational Resources (OER) web site for BUF 4700 at NYC College of Technology

ENG 1121 D429

ENG 1121 D429

English 1121 is a course in composition, reading skills, and core critical thinking skills. The class will explore many genres, discourses, and multimedia to explore many ideas and readings.

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