Phil Mitch’s Profile

Active 9 years, 10 months ago
Phil Mitch
Display Name
Phil Mitch
Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

Art, Art history, current events, & people!



My Courses

ENG3402 Vampires, SP2014

ENG3402 Vampires, SP2014

This class explores the origins and characteristics of the vampire figure in literature and folklore in order to trace the evolution of the vampire in 20th and 21st century American literature, film, and television.

My Projects

Living Laboratory Associate Fellows

Living Laboratory Associate Fellows

This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory Associate Fellows participating in the General Education Seminar, part of City Tech’s Title V grant-funded initiative A Living Laboratory. This seminar will concentrate on incorporating general education outcomes into our courses focusing on Kuh’s High Impact Educational Practices, place based learning, open pedagogy and assessment practices.

My Clubs

Phil Mitch hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.

Phil's Friends

Phil hasn't created any friend connections yet.