Lukasz G.’s Profile

Active 6 years, 4 months ago
Lukasz G.
Display Name
Lukasz G.
Major Program of Study
Computer Engineering Technology

My Courses

CET 3640 – Software for Computer Control

CET 3640 – Software for Computer Control

CET 3640 – Software for Computer Control

Component and Subsystem Design II

Component and Subsystem Design II

Catalog description: Continuation of CET 4705. Further design of subsystems requiring solution by differential equations. Worst-case designs and component tolerances, development of control systems. A term project may be assigned.

ENG 2575 | Technical Writing | Summer II 2018

ENG 2575 | Technical Writing | Summer II 2018

Students communicate technical and scientific information to a variety of audiences through written and oral presentations, using electronic media such as the Internet, Power Point and graphics programs. Students also analyze readings in science and technology, study technical writing models and practice collaborative research and presentation. Prerequisite: ENG 1121 (Equivalent to old course ENG 3773)

EMT2455 Data Communications

EMT2455 Data Communications

This course introduces the foundations of data communications with applications in engineering technology. It provides a basic understanding of data communication systems and practical examples of communications networks. Topics include core network concepts, standards, physical layer propagation, a small Ethernet PC network, other LAN technologies, Wide Area Networks (WANs), TCP/IP internetworking, security, network management and systems administration, and network applications for computer-based control of devices. In particular, this semester will focus on the content required to obtain the CompTIA’s Network+ and TestOut’s Network Pro certifications.

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