Lloyd Carr’s Profile

Active 1 months ago
Lloyd Carr
Display Name
Lloyd Carr
Associate Professor
Communication Design
Office Location
Namm 1125
Academic interests

Design and Graphic Arts

Work Phone
Email address

My Courses

ComD 1162 D030 24Fall

ComD 1162 D030 24Fall

Students can learn concepts and applied theories of digital art in the two fundamental forms: raster and vector graphics. Coursework will define and describe similar and contrasting factors in each kind of image. The comparison will also recommend the best practice, specification or standard for using a specific form in a specific application. The course will include basic digital imaging terminology and techniques including measurements, size, resolution, file elements, file formats and color space.

ComD 3316 Advanced Digital Image Editing

ComD 3316 Advanced Digital Image Editing

An advanced raster imaging skills course focused on color correcting and retouching continuous tone images. Students learn how digital images can be enhanced and optimized. Bitmapped files are strategically modified using color modes, paths, selections, layers, filters and curves. Discussions, quizzes and projects focus on professional terminology and techniques for making alterations to match a client’s instructions using industry-standard software.

ComD 1162 Raster & Vector Graphics

ComD 1162 Raster & Vector Graphics

Students can learn concepts and applied theories of digital art in the two fundamental forms: raster and vector graphics. Coursework will define and describe similar and contrasting factors in each kind of image. The comparison will also recommend the best practice, specification or standard for using a specific form in a specific application. The course will include basic digital imaging terminology and techniques including measurements, size, resolution, file elements, file formats and color space.

City Tech Logo, 20Fall

City Tech Logo, 20Fall

City Tech Logo, 20Fall

My Projects

Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

The COMD Faculty Hub

The COMD Faculty Hub

The COMD Hub (IN DEVELOPMENT) provides support for faculty and staff, including teaching, admin, and program development resources. Join The COMD Hub to receive essential communications from the Department Chair, CLTs, and the City Tech Administration.

COMD Course Outcomes Sub-Committee

COMD Course Outcomes Sub-Committee

COMD Course outcomes are the assignments and projects that are developed and produced by the students. These outcomes should reflect consumer behavior, industry processes, best practices and deliverables. One current focus is showcasing and presenting the design process in the form of portfolios, books, slideshows, workflow examples.

COMD Recruitment  Committee

COMD Recruitment Committee

This committee will focus on strategies and outcomes to find and encourage enrollment in the program. It will also track the outcomes and determine best-practices for marketing to our target prospective students.

COMD Course Descriptions Sub-Committee

COMD Course Descriptions Sub-Committee

A place for COMD Department Course Descriptions Sub-Committee members to communicate, link to meeting agendas, minutes, and proposed curriculum, and share resources and ideas.

My Clubs

Lloyd Carr hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.

Lloyd's Friends

Lloyd hasn't created any friend connections yet.