Lenore Snyder’s Profile

Active 2 years, 6 months ago
Lenore Snyder
Display Name
Lenore Snyder
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Biological Sciences

My Courses

BIO1101 OL02 Spring 2021

BIO1101 OL02 Spring 2021

Life’s ori­gins, the Earth, and Us En­g1101 and Bio1101 com­bi­na­tion course ap­proaches the basic skills and con­ven­tions of col­lege com­po­si­tion by way of con­tem­po­rary is­sues in bi­ol­ogy. By read­ing, dis­cussing, re­search­ing, and writ­ing about top­ics such as global warm­ing, evo­lu­tion, and ge­net­ics, stu­dents will gain prac­tice and com­pe­tency in aca­d­e­mic com­mu­ni­ca­tion



Gen­eral Bi­ol­ogy II Lab

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