SvitlanaBoychuk’s Profile

Active 13 years, 3 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Human Services

My name is Svitlana Boychuk and I major in Human Services at New York City College of Technology. However, when I first enrolled into college I majored in medical field. Regardless of my passion and motives, for some reason I never considered helping people as a profession. With time I have come to realize that medical profession was not a right path for me and I was delighted to find out about newly introduced major in school which is Human Services. I knew instantly that this would be an ideal career for me. And next semester I went on pursuing a degree in Human Services because this is something I knew I would enjoy.

I have many professional and personal goals that I would like to achieve within the next 5 years. One of my major goals is to be able to work for the communities we live in and be able to help people within it. I believe that each one of us has a big effect on the society as whole and together we can make a difference. We always have to start working on ourselves first before we can help anyone else and that is the reason for my hard research and studying trying to improve myself as a person and a professional.

I, myself, have grown up in Ukraine. I come from a society where neighbors know each other and watch out for one another. I come from a community where everyone’s kids grow up and play together and once they become parents, they raise their kids there. I come from a community where people try to give and help without any expectations in return. This is what greatly motivates and inspires me to create more communities like that.

My family and background have always been an important part of my life and who I am. I was raised to be open minded individual, accepting of others choices and opinions. Therefore, I strongly believe that my personality would absolutely fit a role of a Human Service professional.

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