Jane Morales’s Profile

Active 11 months ago
Jane Morales
Display Name
Jane Morales
Major Program of Study
Computer Engineering Technology

My Courses

MAT2680 Differential Equations, FA2019

MAT2680 Differential Equations, FA2019

An introduction to solving ordinary differential equations. Applications to various problems are discussed.

My Projects

Jane Morales hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

City Tech Women Engineers Club

City Tech Women Engineers Club

The mission of the City Tech Women Engineers Club is to promote awareness and interest in improving the enrollment, retention and graduation rates of women in the technology programs at New York City College of Technology, as well as develop leadership skills through workshops, seminars and student collaboration. lnstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Women in Engineering (WIE) student branch at CityTech invites all interested students to join the Openlab club. Joining IEEE WIE student chapter is optional. We provide support, information and resources to all members to help them succeed in their engineering technology field of interest.

City Tech Girls Who Code

City Tech Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code Club at City Tech is affiliated with Girls Who Code national non-profit organization working to close the gender gap in technology. Our programs educate and inspire girls with the computing skills they’ll need to pursue 21st century career opportunities.

City Tech MakerHub

City Tech MakerHub

CityTech MakerHub is an initiative of CET Department. MakerHub offers the college community opportunities for hands-on learning, making and fun activities using a variety of technologies and materials. CityTech MakerHub is both a virtual and a physical space where people can collaborate or work on individual projects. People of all backgrounds and experience levels are welcome. MakerHub projects can be part of a course or an extracurricular activity. Please contact Professor Farrukh Zia in the CET department for more details. (fzia@citytech.cuny.edu)

City Tech Maker Fairies

City Tech Maker Fairies

Using Technology to Help Humanity… In association with Makers Making Change international non-profit organization (MakersMakingChange.com) City Tech Maker Fairies are here to help. Your wish may come true. Maker Fairies are using technology to make projects and devices for people with disabilities. If you have an interest in technology and a passion to use your knowledge and skills to help others, please join the club. Learn to use computer hardware, software and 3D printing technology to benefit humanity.

Jane's Friends

Jane hasn't created any friend connections yet.