Keila Torres’s Profile

Active 10 years, 1 month ago
Keila Torres
Display Name
Keila Torres
Major Program of Study

My Courses

Microbiology 3302 Lecture

Microbiology 3302 Lecture

The study of microorganisms

Intro to Women Writers-Hybrid Spring 2014

Intro to Women Writers-Hybrid Spring 2014

Official description: This survey course is designed to introduce both men and women to the writings of selected women writers, through readings by both major authors and less well-known writers. Issues of form, structure and genre will be discussed. Students will read, analyze and discuss themes raised by women writers. A variety of genres will be discussed including essays, short stories and poems, and a novel will be explored. Women writers from the United States, Great Britain, and the Caribbean may be included.

My Projects

Microbiology 3302 Spring 2013 – Getting Friendly with Bacteria

Microbiology 3302 Spring 2013 – Getting Friendly with Bacteria

A project dealing with bacterial classification.

My Clubs

Keila Torres hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.