KennyV’s Profile

Active 8 years, 1 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)
MAT 1190 Quantitative Reasoning Fall 2014

MAT 1190 Quantitative Reasoning Fall 2014

Kate Poirier
Mathematics|MAT 1190|Fall 2014

Students develop and apply mathematical, logical, critical thinking, and statistical skills to solve problems in real-world contexts. They acquire skills in the fields of algebra, geometry, […]

ENG3401 Law Through Literature, FA2016

Jason W. Ellis
English|ENG3401|Fall 2016

We will explore issues of law, its systems, its application, and its challenges through works of literature. The way in which we will read and access the literary works assigned as readings will be part of our […]

ENG 1101-D351 F14 (Red)

ENG 1101-D351 F14 (Red)

Alan Lovegreen
English|1101|Fall 2014

•Throughout the semester, we will write a series of essays in a variety of genres. Each essay will be designed to provide information to fellow City Tech students about the City Tech campus and surrounding n […]