Kelsey Fox’s Profile

Active 7 years ago
Kelsey Fox
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Kelsey Fox
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My Courses

Level 2 Writing – ESOL 021W D844(32803)

Level 2 Writing – ESOL 021W D844(32803)

This is a second-level writing course in our three-level sequence. It connects reading and writing by asking you to read texts, discuss them, and write papers about them.

ESOL 021 Fall 2017

ESOL 021 Fall 2017

This is a second-level writing course in our three-level sequence. It connects reading and writing by asking you to read texts, discuss them, and write papers about them.

ESOL 021 W Spring 2017

ESOL 021 W Spring 2017

This is a second-level writing course in our three-level sequence. It connects reading and writing by asking you to read texts, discuss them, and write papers about them.

Eng1101 D325, SP2015

Eng1101 D325, SP2015

Course Description English Composition I is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including the use of the library. College-level readings are assigned as the basis for in-class and online discussion and for essay writing. CUNY certification in reading and writing is the prerequisite for this course. Students should expect to spend six hours per week on work for this class in addition to class time. Through discussion, reading, writing in drafts, collaborating, revising, and presenting work, students will learn to: ● Write clear and logical sentences of varied structure, using correct spelling, conventional punctuation, and correct grammar and syntax; ● Organize sentences into paragraphs and paragraphs into well-developed essays that present persuasive arguments based on specific evidence; ● Draft, revise, and proofread essays of various modes of writing, including narration, description, comparison, argumentation, analysis and reflection; ● Use writing as a process of discovery, building habits of critical thinking; ● Develop a personal writing style. ● Read actively, carefully, and thoroughly, looking at details and at the piece as a whole; ● Formulate questions as part of the reading process in anticipation of class or online discussions; ● Demonstrate the ability to summarize, paraphrase, quote from, and argue with assigned readings ● Gain familiarity with online tools such as blogs, collaborative documents, online writing centers, and library research tools; ● Communicate professionally via e-mail and other online media; ● Demonstrate information fluency—the ability to find, evaluate, use, and create online resources.

ESOL 22R Fall 2016

ESOL 22R Fall 2016

The purpose of this course is to provide intensive work on intermediate English language and reading skills necessary for college-level work. This is a second-level reading course, in our three-level sequence. The goal of the course is to build strong reading and thinking skills by intensifying the quantity of reading and the level and quality of analysis. Students will read in and out of class. Weekly vocabulary and reading comprehension quizzes will build language proficiency and test taking ability. All course work will increase student reading comprehension and general and discipline-based knowledge.

My Projects



ESOL Program offers online tutoring to its students. Students need to sign up for online tutoring with their classroom teachers.

Living Laboratory Associate Fellows

Living Laboratory Associate Fellows

This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory Associate Fellows participating in the General Education Seminar, part of City Tech’s Title V grant-funded initiative A Living Laboratory. This seminar will concentrate on incorporating general education outcomes into our courses focusing on Kuh’s High Impact Educational Practices, place based learning, open pedagogy and assessment practices.

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