kathy1’s Profile

Active 5 years ago
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Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management
Academic interests

Event planning management


i am a city tech student in hospitality management.

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My Clubs

Seekers Christian Fellowship

Seek­ers Chris­t­ian Fel­low­ship

We are a non-de­nom­i­na­tional Chris­t­ian fel­low­ship of cam­pus stu­dents,fac­ulty and/or staff. Our aim is to help fel­low stu­dents meet their spir­i­tual needs in Christ through prayer, wor­ship and bible stud­ies. En­cour­ag­ing each one to seek their own per­sonal re­la­tion­ship with God, guid­ing and teach­ing also on the im­por­tance of the Bible through faith and fel­low­ship.Open to any­one who has ques­tions and/or wants to know more about God. For Freely we have re­ceived grace, and freely we wish to give it as well.

City Tech Ink Club

City Tech Ink Club

City Tech’s Ink Club is a place where il­lus­tra­tors and se­quen­tial artists can dis­cuss and prac­tice their craft in sto­ry­telling. On Open­lab we’ll share links to help­ful re­sources, gen­eral in­for­ma­tion, and post about events ad work we’re cre­at­ing.

The Ambassadors Club

The Am­bas­sadors Club

The mis­sion of the Am­bas­sadors Club is to pro­vide op­por­tu­ni­ties for stu­dent of­fi­cers to learn and hone lead­er­ship skills, with an em­pha­sis on event plan­ning and event man­age­ment. The Club will apply the skills they have ac­quired, and act as good will am­bas­sadors for the col­lege and the HMGT de­part­ment. The Am­bas­sadors will as­sist in the plan­ning of, and be pre­sent at, se­lected events spon­sored by the HMGT De­part­ment, with the in­tent of fos­ter­ing and sup­port­ing a wel­com­ing and pro­fes­sional en­vi­ron­ment.

Together We Can

To­gether We Can

To­gether We Can ! This club is about giv­ing back to our com­mu­ni­ties by work­ing to­gether with our peers. The goal of this club is to raise aware­ness and pro­vid­ing help to re­lent­less New York­ers. We will come to­gether to or­ga­niz­ing and pro­vid­ing cam­pus fundrais­ers, coats and cloth­ing dri­ves as well as bake sales to give back. This will just be the start of it, I have many great ideas that can def­i­nitely make a dra­matic change to this com­mu­nity. I can’t do this alone and to­gether we can make a change. If you have a big heart and you care for other peo­ple and would like to make a change please join !!!!! My goal is to turn this club into a non profit or­ga­ni­za­tion, if you would like to be vol­un­teer please join ! Feel free to con­tact me with any ques­tions! P.s Any­one who’s a Com­puter Sci­ence major or knows how to cre­ate a web­site or App is def­i­nitely needed !!!

Math Club

Math Club

What do math­e­mati­cians do? Can math­e­mat­ics be fun and in­ter­est­ing? Do you like free pizza? The Math Club is open to every­one with an in­ter­est in logic puz­zles, games of chance or strat­egy, and math­e­mat­ics in gen­eral. We host a va­ri­ety of math re­lated events, math talks, math games, math puz­zles, field trips, math com­pe­ti­tions, and more. Feel free to stop by on Thurs­days in Namm N719, from 1-2pm.

kathy1's Friends

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