Kate Falvey’s Profile

literacy and developmental writing; 19th and early 20th century American literature; children's literature; literary gothic and ghost stories
Book: The Language of Little Girls (David Robert Books)
Chapbooks: What the Sea Washes Up (Dancing Girl Press; Morning Constitutional in Sunhat and Bolero (Green Fuse Poetic Arts)
Poetry and short stories published in numerous journals and anthologies
Published scholarly work and work for children
associate editor, Bellevue Literary Review
Co-founder and former editor of the 2 Bridges Review
My Courses
This is a model course for ENG 1101CO.
SPRING 2021 ENG 1141-OL06: Introduction to Creative Writing
This introductory course in creative writing includes exercises to identify and engage your creative voice, discussions of craft and technique, readings aimed to build critical reading and workshopping skills, and discussion of language and style.
My Projects
This project is for 1101Co faculty.
My Clubs
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Kate's Friends
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