Kaitlynn Sabater’s Profile

Active 6 years, 5 months ago
Kaitlynn Sabater
Display Name
Kaitlynn Sabater
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology
Academic interests

Computer Science, Programming, Web Design, Creating/Programming Videogames


I’ve always loved videogames ever since having a gameboy. I plan to do what I love which is videogames by creating/programming enjoyable games that many people will have fun playing them as well as web designing. I’m planning to get a bachelor’s degree in this major.

Kaitlynn Sabater
Lavagirl1200 gamer

My Courses



Fundamental economic ideas and the operation of the economy on a national scale. Production distribution and consumption of goods and services, the exchange process, the role of government, the national income and its distribution, GDP, consumption function, savings function, investment spending, the multiplier principle and the influence of government spending on income and output. Analysis of monetary policy, including the banking system and the Federal Reserve System.

College Algebra and Trigonometry

College Algebra and Trigonometry

An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of linear equations, exponential and logarithmic functions; topics from trigonometry, including identities, equations and solutions of triangles.

My Projects

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