Junzhao’s Profile

Active 5 years, 3 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

EMT2370 | Spring 2024 | Dr. Mendoza

EMT2370 | Spring 2024 | Dr. Mendoza

EMT 2370: Computer Hardware Systems Computer hardware systems, along with several software concepts, are studied to understand the function and relationship of the CPU, memory, and peripheral equipment. Course material is chosen for relevance to industry certification exams such as A+. The peripheral equipment includes monitors, disk drives, scanners, and printers. During laboratory exercises, computer systems, with monitor and operating system, are provided for analysis by students working in teams. However, as an option, each student can build, configure, analyze and troubleshoot his or her own IBM PC (or compatible) computer.

ECON2505ID Env Econ, SP2019 HD21

ECON2505ID Env Econ, SP2019 HD21

This interdisciplinary course examines current environmental issues from a macroeconomic perspective, focusing on both the long and short-term economic viability of various proposals to address current environmental challenges. While the discipline of Economics serves as a central focus, the course draws extensively from the perspectives of Sociology, Psychology, Architectural Technology, Hospitality Management, and Engineering/Environmental Control Technology, among others. Traditional goals of economic efficiency will be examined in the context of the need to expand renewable energy sources, green building design and construction, sustainable agriculture and trade, resource allocation and other efforts to combat climate change on a global scale. It focuses on both the long and short-term economic viability of various proposals to address current environmental challenges drawing upon the inherent interdisciplinary connection to these vital economic issues.



Welcome to ESOL022R! The purpose of this course is to provide intensive work on intermediate English language and reading skills necessary for college-level work. This is a second-level reading course in our three-level sequence. The goal of the course is to build strong reading and thinking skills by intensifying the quantity of reading and the level and quality of analysis. Students will read in and out of class. Weekly vocabulary and/or reading comprehension quizzes will build language proficiency and test taking ability. All course work will increase students’ reading comprehension, general knowledge, and facilitate CUNY ACT certification. General Activities include in-class reading of college texts and newspaper articles; vocabulary expansion; in-class study time; group and whole class discussions of issues and ideas expressed in texts; responding to the readings, writing about the readings, and keeping a Reading Log. By the end of the semester, the students should acquire the following competencies: • Identify subject matter/discipline in a given text • Identify author’s point of view and tone • State the main idea of the text • Recognize implied meaning in text • Critically analyze a text • Discuss ideas expressed in a text using college-level vocabulary • Write short summaries • Recognize different text genres, e.g., argumentation, discussion, report, proposal • Understand the role of transitional words • Recognize the writer’s purpose and audience

ENG1121 D423 + D488 Composition II, Spring 2017

ENG1121 D423 + D488 Composition II, Spring 2017

English 1121: Composition II, Sections D423 + D488, Spring 2017, Instructed by Holly Melgard

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