Jordin De La Rosa’s Profile

Active 2 years, 8 months ago
Jordin De La Rosa
Display Name
Jordin De La Rosa
Major Program of Study
Entertainment Technology
Academic interests

Game Design and Programming


My name is Jordin De La Rosa and I am a student at New York City College of Technology. I am an aspiring game designer and video editor who has learned how to use the Adobe Suite, Terminal, Unity during my first semester at City Tech. My major is Emerging Media Technology.

X (formerly Twitter)

My Courses

ENG 2400 Film from Literature, Spring 2022, Prof. Scanlan

ENG 2400 Film from Literature, Spring 2022, Prof. Scanlan

ENG 2400 is a course that allows students to examine the relationship between films and their literary sources. Through online classroom discussion and out-of-class assignments, students will analyze classic and contemporary literary texts and their cinematic versions. Students will explore the techniques used in fiction, drama, and film with an emphasis on concepts such as narration, ethics, redemption, and identity. Students will focus on the similarities and differences of literary works adapted into films.

ENT 4499 Culmination Project FA 2021 – SP 2022

ENT 4499 Culmination Project FA 2021 – SP 2022

The senior thesis project, utilizing skills in an innovative way to develop a project that relates to the entertainment industry. Projects are developed through courses in the entertainment technology and/or emerging media technology programs. Projects require approval by the advisor and must demonstrate management, technical design and presentation skills. Documentation of planning, design and realization is presented to a committee of instructors, both in entertainment technology and related disciplines, as well as to industry professionals selected by the student and approved by the advisor. Though students enroll in this course during their senior year, development of the project should begin during the second semester of the junior year.

CST1102ID, Programming Narratives, SP2020

CST1102ID, Programming Narratives, SP2020

Students in this class write a video game narrative and program a trailer for that game using object-oriented programming.

MTEC 3140-OL98 – Topics & Perspectives in Emerging Technology

MTEC 3140-OL98 – Topics & Perspectives in Emerging Technology

This course is about understanding our role in both the propagation and dismantling of societal values through media production and consumption. It is also about recognizing the power and responsibility we each have as creators and consumers of media and technology to make sure we are building the future that aligns with the world we want to see.

Game Design and Media Skills Lab

Game Design and Media Skills Lab

This 3 hour Lab consists of a series of workshops that offer supportive instruction and training in a verity of software programs, digital tools, and platforms. Specifically, we will be s working with WordPress, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects, Audition, and Unity. These workshops are introductions to the programs and tools for digital imaging, graphics, video, sound, and interactive design and are designed to foster a culture of collaboration and sustainable learning communities. Students will be expected to complete a series of guided assignments that cultivate digital skill sets as well as conceptual frameworks, which lend themselves to interactive storytelling and game studies. Active participation in class is required as well as timely completion of assignments. Students will be maintaining Open Lab portfolio blogs in which they will post all assignments. Students are also required to reflect on each post and discuss in writing their ideas, and challenges in completing the assignment. This is a portfolio-based class and in order to complete the course successfully, students are required to have a completed online portfolio and to have actively participated in critiques and class challenges.

My Projects

Entertainment Technology Culmination Project

Entertainment Technology Culmination Project

Project site for all Entertainment Technology and Emerging Media Technology majors.

My Clubs

Citytech E-Sports Club

Citytech E-Sports Club

The Citytech E-Sports club is a community that bring students together who have an interest in competitive gaming and gaming in general. The club aims to build a community where students can socialize, compete and express their passion for gaming and the competitive side to it. Members will be in a friendly environment where games are brought to a competitive level, being able to learn from each other, sharing strategies and developing new knowledge. The club also seeks to be able to compete at collegiate competitions at a national level. Other plans include hosting local prized gaming tournaments in the school itself. We meet every Thursday 12:45 – 2:15 PM in the Voorhees Building room V-321 Got any questions? Email us at Facebook Page: Twitter: Come join our discord :

EXP Club (Inactive)

EXP Club (Inactive)

A space to build & playtest creative tech projects. Come make video games, immersive art, virtual worlds, VR/AR experiences, 3D models, and anything else you can think of — every Thursday from 1-2pm. All skill levels + majors welcome! (We’re 100% online for Fall 2020! Hang out with us via voice chat on Discord: Every 2 weeks, we pick a new topic (apps, environment art, interactive fiction, 3D modeling…) and challenge you to make a mini project on it. Each one comes with tutorials, inspiration + download links— so you don’t need any experience to join. Find your favorite role, team up with other students for passion projects, have a support system for when you get stuck, and try something new. Check out our website for free 2D/3D assets, project ideas, scholarships, jobs, and more :)