jason’s Profile

Active 4 years ago
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Major Program of Study
Communication Design

My Courses

COMD Communication Design Internship Coordination Site

COMD Communication Design Internship Coordination Site

This site is designed to help you find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor such as an advertising agency, graphic design firm, corporate design office, publications art department, photography or illustration studio, TV or multimedia production company. Students will be required to keep a learning journal of their internship in the form of a blog using Openlab. A portion of the class will be devoted to presenting and sharing experiences with classmates. Students will learn how to assess their talents, update their resume, and promote themselves and their work through social networks. Students will be required to setup and maintain at least two social media networks such as: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. The instructors for this class are there as mentors if you have not yet found an internship before registering for the course. However, the instructors do not find an internship placement for you. It is your responsibility to find a position that fits your personal career path and help you transition to full time employment upon leaving the halls of CityTech. Ideally, you will use this site to find an internship the semester before taking the COMD 4900 class.

COMD1167 Type & Media, FALL2017

COMD1167 Type & Media, FALL2017

This is a foundation course in typography with an emphasis on using type for a multiple of industry related applications ranging from print to interactive. Students will be introduced to principles of type design and terminology including: variations of type structure, anatomy, font usage, grid, leading, kerning, tracking and alignment. Students will learn industry standard software such as InDesign on the Macintosh operating system.

COMD3711 Vector Art Editing, Spring 2021

COMD3711 Vector Art Editing, Spring 2021

Students will learn advanced techniques for design, illustration, and production on the computer using vector graphics. Students are exposed to professional tools using software such as Adobe Illustrator on the Macintosh operating system.

COMD4900 OL92 Internship Fall 2020 Goetz

COMD4900 OL92 Internship Fall 2020 Goetz

Student is assigned to find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor. Approved Sites include advertising agencies, graphic design firms corporate or non-profit design offices, publications art departments, photography or illustration studios, TV or multimedia production companies. Students will be required to keep a learning journal of their internship in the form of a blog using Openlab. A portion of the class will be devoted to presenting and sharing experiences with classmates. Students will learn how to assess their talents, update their resume, and promote themselves and their work through social networks during class meetings. Students will be required to extend their networking contacts using LinkedIn.

COMD1100 Fall 2017

COMD1100 Fall 2017

This basic design and color theory course explores graphic communication through the understanding of the elements and principles of design, as well as the design process, including idea development through final execution. Students develop basic skills in two-dimensional design, color and content creation while employing the design process of research, sketching and experimentation. Communication designers use the concepts explored in this course in disciplines such as advertising, graphic design, web design, illustration, broadcast design, photography, and game design. Image: Interaction of Color by Josef Albers http://www.designersreviewofbooks.com/2010/10/interaction-of-color-by-josef-albers/

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