Dr. Williams’s Profile

Active 3 years, 3 months ago
Dr. Williams
Display Name
Dr. Williams
English, Liberal Arts & Sciences
Office Location
Namm 503
Academic interests

American Literature, African American Literature, Feminisim, Womanist Theory, Critical Theory, LGBTQI Theory

My Courses

ENG 2400 Films from Literature Fall 2021

ENG 2400 Films from Literature Fall 2021

This course will allow students to examine the relationship between film and their literary sources. Through classroom discussions and out-of-class assignments, students will analyze classic and contemporary literary texts and their cinematic versions. Students will examine the relationship between film and literature, with specific focus on the techniques used in fiction, drama and film and the influences of censorship and society. Students will focus on the similarities and differences of literary works adapted into films. Profile Image Credit: “Narrow film camera ‘Leicina Super'” by lucianomandolina

ENG3401:Law Through Literature Fall 2014

ENG3401:Law Through Literature Fall 2014

This course will allow us to thoroughly examine literature and films that are all based on different layers of the judicial system. Together, we are going to examine the jury, the trial, the legal process, and the effects of judgment—or lack thereof. We will look at historically impacting cases, the development or dismantling of established laws, as well as the current status of these socially relevant issues. Using philosophy, specifically pragmatic precepts, we will also place the intentions of laws alongside their actual results, and see who the conflicts that emerge benefits, or fails. This course is both reading and writing intensive. As such, to make sure we are processing the classroom discussions, we will have several exams on the essays, novels, and films we scrutinize together. Each of us will be responsible for multiple short essay papers and student briefs that will require online and/or library research, and there will also be a major style manual research paper (MLA or Chicago) assigned that will require each of us to review and outline lessons learned throughout the entire semester; as such, constant note taking is not only strongly encouraged but required. Keep in mind that this class requires the ability to engage in mature conversations, as we will talk openly about racism, religion, family, sexism, sex, Class, culture, poverty, and politics.

ENG2200: American Literature I Fall 2014

ENG2200: American Literature I Fall 2014

This course will allow us to thoroughly examine the literature that shaped America during the nineteenth century. As a class, we will read some of the greatest literary classics ever written and, as we dissect the writers’ stories and messages, determine how, exactly, the writing shaped the developing society and vice versa. We will read essays, short stories, and novels, along with films, that address the relevant issues of the day. The purpose of this course is to not only read and discuss great works, but, moreover, to figure out the pragmatic scope of the American character. This course is both reading and writing intensive. As such, to make sure we are processing the classroom discussions, we will have several exams on the short stories, novels, and films we scrutinize together. Each of us will be responsible for multiple short essay papers that will require online and/or library research, and there will also be a major research paper assigned that will require each of us to review and outline lessons learned throughout the entire semester; as such, constant note taking is not only strongly encouraged but required. Keep in mind that this class requires the ability to engage in mature conversations, as we will talk openly about racism, religion, sexism, sex, Class, culture, poverty, and politics.

ENG 3403: One Major Writer	Spring 2015

ENG 3403: One Major Writer Spring 2015

The purpose of this course is to read, analyze, and discuss the life and works of James Baldwin. Throughout the semester we will read some of the most socially impacting literature ever written. We will examine both fiction and non-fiction, unearthing some of the most sensitive issues of the twentieth century, as well as the turbulent life of the author himself. Together, we will learn to metatextualize the meaning beneath Baldwin’s words, providing insight into the historical worlds in which he existed and wrote about. At the same time, we will follow Baldwin’s “flight” from America and his writing while existing abroad as an expatriate. With regard to the readings—in an attempt to develop stronger arguments and clarity regarding the issues discussed—there will be directed research writing assignments (response papers). We will also develop a clear, concise, grammatically correct MLA style research paper based on assigned paper topics. This research paper will include an outline and an abstract that must be approved before the paper project and posted onto our OpenLab page. Additionally, we will have exams to see how we are processing the materials. With the assistance of both the primary and secondary texts, we will review the fundamentals of historical writing, and learn to condense our thoughts regarding the author’s subject matter. Participation is both essential and required for a successful semester. IF WE DEMONSTRATE THAT WE ARE NOT PREPAPRED FOR OUR DAILY READINGS, QUIZZES WILL BE IMPLEMENTED INTO THE COURSE DESIGN. The exams can only be taken on assigned dates, and the papers and assignments are to be submitted at the beginning of class on the dates due. LATE WORK IS NOT AN OPTION. NOTE: This course will examine varied themes—sex, sexuality, religion, Class, racism, violence, self-hatred, slavery, oppression, love—and requires the ability to engage in complex and controversial discussions maturely.

ENG3401: Law through Literature Spring 2015

ENG3401: Law through Literature Spring 2015

This course will allow us to thoroughly examine literature and films that focus on the often unbalanced scales of justice—especially as they relate to women and various ethnic groups. Together, we are going to examine the jury, the trial, the legal process, and the effects of judgment—or lack thereof. We will look at historically impacting cases, the development or dismantling of established laws, as well as the current status of these socially relevant issues. Using philosophy, specifically pragmatic precepts, we will also place the intentions of laws alongside their actual results, and see who benefits from the oppressive hand of injustice and, more importantly, who fails. This course is both reading and writing intensive. As such, to make sure we are processing the classroom discussions, we will have several exams on the essays, novels, and films we scrutinize together. Each of us will be responsible for multiple short essay papers and student briefs that will require online and/or library research, and there will also be a major style manual research paper (MLA or Chicago) assigned that will require each of us to review and outline lessons learned throughout the entire semester; as such, constant note taking is not only strongly encouraged but required. Keep in mind that this class requires the ability to engage in mature conversations, as we will talk openly about racism, religion, family, sexism, sex, Class, culture, poverty, and politics.

My Projects

Literature Curriculum Committee of the Department of English

Literature Curriculum Committee of the Department of English

This site aims to share information about assignments, course design, and the activities of the Literature Curriculum Committee.

Living Lab Fellows

Living Lab Fellows

This project archive compiles the experiences of the Living Lab General Education Seminar Fellows over the 5 year period of the grant. It includes the reflections of participants and compilations of course portfolios with links to OpenLab course sites.

Emotions in Teaching and Learning

Emotions in Teaching and Learning

This is a site for thinking critically and generatively about the role of emotions in teaching and learning, and working collaboratively foster greater well-being, student engagement, and (faculty, student, staff) community here at City Tech.

Living Laboratory Associate Fellows

Living Laboratory Associate Fellows

This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory Associate Fellows participating in the General Education Seminar, part of City Tech’s Title V grant-funded initiative A Living Laboratory. This seminar will concentrate on incorporating general education outcomes into our courses focusing on Kuh’s High Impact Educational Practices, place based learning, open pedagogy and assessment practices.

Living Lab Fourth Year Fellows

Living Lab Fourth Year Fellows

This is a collaborative space for use by the Fourth Year Faculty Fellow participants in the General Education Seminar, part of City Tech’s Title V grant-funded initiative A Living Laboratory. This seminar will concentrate particularly on the fourth year of the student experience at our college, a critical year for our students as their participation in capstone courses, internships and global learning prepares them to engage in the work force at a greater capacity and prepare for graduate education.

My Clubs

Liberal Arts and Sciences Program

Liberal Arts and Sciences Program

The associate’s degrees in liberal arts provide students with a broad, liberal education emphasizing the communication, team-work and analytical skills needed for both the workforce and higher education. The associate in science degree in liberal arts and science curriculum promotes scientific skills among students to solve real-world problems.