Jhen Fdz’s Profile

Active 1 years, 7 months ago
Jhen Fdz
Display Name
Jhen Fdz
Major Program of Study
Entertainment Technology

My Courses

Building Technology II ARCH2331, S2022

Building Technology II ARCH2331, S2022

Resources for Building Technology 2 This site contains Assignment Discussion Questions and answers. References, Articles, and Link on: construction technology, codes, AutoCAD and software tools.



Adaptive Reuse Studio

Building Technology II ARCH2331, S2021

Building Technology II ARCH2331, S2021

Resources for Building Technology 2 This site contains Assignment Discussion Questions and answers. References, Articles, and Link on: construction technology, codes, AutoCAD and software tools.

ENG1101 (D373) Comp 1, Fall 2019

ENG1101 (D373) Comp 1, Fall 2019

English Composition I is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including the use of the library. Demanding readings are assigned as the basis for in-class and online discussion, and for essay writing.

EL021 /D845 English For Academic Purposes

EL021 /D845 English For Academic Purposes

This is a writing intensive course for multilingual, bilingual and generation 1.5 resident writers who are preparing to take COMP 1101. The course focuses on the development of second language writing competence by espousing the process approach to writing. The course includes diverse genres and sources. The reading-writing connection is part of everyday class fabric. Global and local perspectives are examined critically with a particular value placed on the world outside of the USA looking in on the issues faced in this culture as opposed to the rest of the world.

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