loveisabel’s Profile

Active 9 years, 9 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Human Services

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Sp2015 Introduction to Fiction

Sp2015 In­tro­duc­tion to Fic­tion

IN­TRO­DUC­TION TO LIT­ER­A­TURE: FIC­TION ENG 2001 3 class hours, 3 cred­its Pre­req­ui­site: ENG 1101 Stu­dents will read and dis­cuss works of fic­tion in­clud­ing nov­els, novel­las and the short story; con­duct re­search, pre­pare and de­liver oral pre­sen­ta­tions, and write a va­ri­ety of as­sign­ments, which must in­clude a final ex­am­i­na­tion and midterm ex­am­i­na­tion or quizzes, and may in­clude but are not lim­ited to a term re­search paper, es­says, in-class es­says, shorter re­sponse writ­ings, and on­line writ­ing ac­tiv­i­ties. Writ­ten and oral as­sign­ments will mea­sure stu­dents’ abil­ity to *un­der­stand a range of nar­ra­tive styles—in­clud­ing West­ern, non-West­ern and ex­per­i­men­tal—as well as the re­la­tion­ship be­tween story form, func­tion and mean­ing. *apply var­i­ous meth­ods of lit­er­ary crit­i­cism and analy­sis (for ex­am­ple, study of char­ac­ter, set­ting, lan­guage and other el­e­ments of form; study of genre and nar­ra­tive method; com­par­i­son of var­i­ous au­thor’s works). *in­cor­po­rate bi­o­graph­i­cal, cul­tural or his­tor­i­cal con­texts where they will help stu­dents un­der­stand the lit­er­ary work. *fol­low MLA New Style con­ven­tions for writ­ing es­says about fic­tion. Each in­struc­tor will de­ter­mine the forms and meth­ods of as­sess­ment as spec­i­fied by their course syl­labi. Such eval­u­a­tion must meet cri­te­ria ap­pro­pri­ate for a course taken in the ju­nior or se­nior year of col­lege. By the end of the se­mes­ter graded work will total ap­prox­i­mately 3750 words (or ap­prox­i­mately 15 dou­ble-spaced pages). Stu­dents must sub­mit ac­cept­able pro­jects and pass the final exam in order to pass the course. Course Pro­file avatar: La Fic­tion et La Re­alite, https://​www.​flickr.​com/​photos/​duncan/​101364055/​in/​photostream/

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