Jermaine’s Profile

Active 8 years ago
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Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences
Academic interests

To pursue a degree in Psychology

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My Projects

Strengthening Research Interactions through Digital Expression (STRIDE)

Strength­en­ing Re­search In­ter­ac­tions through Dig­i­tal Ex­pres­sion (STRIDE)

STRIDE is a dig­i­tal in­fra­struc­ture using the Open­Lab plat­form that con­verges a va­ri­ety of sci­ence re­sources and ap­pli­ca­tions bear­ing a ca­pac­ity for en­riched en­gage­ment in re­search, and com­mu­nity build­ing. More that a mere web­site for the NIH Bridges to the Bac­calau­re­ate at City Tech, it will con­tains the fol­low­ing com­po­nents: • A re­source cen­ter of dig­i­tal pre­sen­ta­tions of fac­ulty men­tors re­search in­ter­ests/pro­files. • A mul­ti­me­dia li­brary of fac­ulty/stu­dent re­search pro­ject pre­sen­ta­tions. • An on­line jour­nal of stu­dents’ schol­arly works in re­search in­clud­ing the shar­ing of con­fer­ence ab­stracts and pa­pers. • Dig­i­tal plat­form for an in­ter­ac­tive re­search com­mu­nity that in­cludes on­line so­cial media.

Professor Amanda Almond, Ph.D. Health/Social Psychology Research Lab

Pro­fes­sor Amanda Al­mond, Ph.D. Health/So­cial Psy­chol­ogy Re­search Lab

In the psy­chol­ogy re­search lab, stu­dent(s) work with Pro­fes­sor Al­mond on all as­pects of the so­cial sci­ence re­search process. New/On-go­ing re­search in­cludes: scale val­i­da­tion for self-care be­hav­iors of women en­rolled in grad­u­ate pro­grams; the ef­fects of mi­croag­gres­sion on self-com­pas­sion, health pro­mo­tion, and pro­fes­sional em­pow­er­ment; and racial iden­tity and at­tri­bu­tions of race in the pro­cess­ing of dis­ease-risk mes­sages tar­get­ing Black Amer­i­cans. The stu­dent’s role(s) will in­clude: re­cruit­ment of sub­jects for re­search, iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of psy­chol­ogy pro­grams for so­lic­it­ing par­tic­i­pants, en­ter­ing data, en­ter­ing sur­veys into Qualtrics, data col­lec­tion and or­ga­ni­za­tion, lit­er­a­ture searches, an­no­tated bib­li­ogra­phies, and writ­ing lit­er­a­ture re­views. Re­search skills re­quired in­cluded CITI cer­ti­fi­ca­tion train­ing for eth­i­cal con­duct in human sub­jects re­search. Skills: li­brary lit­er­acy, writ­ing, con­struct­ing bib­li­og­ra­phy, Excel, and Qualtrics (which I will train). Val­ues: eth­i­cal ac­cess to jour­nal ar­ti­cles, eth­i­cal re­search prac­tices, and in­clu­sion of di­verse view­points in psy­cho­log­i­cal re­search. Knowl­edge: Health psy­chol­ogy con­tent and the­ory, so­cial psy­chol­ogy and per­son per­cep­tion the­ory, biopsy­choso­cial model, and gen­der/race stud­ies.

My Clubs

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