Jacky’s Profile

Active 8 years, 7 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)
MAT 2680 Differential Equations Fall 2015 – Poirier

MAT 2680 Differential Equations Fall 2015 – Poirier

Kate Poirier
Mathematics|MAT 2680|Fall 2015

An introduction to solving ordinary differential equations. Applications to various problems are discussed.

LIB 1201 – Research & Documentation for the Information Age – Section 9952

LIB 1201 – Research & Documentation for the Information Age – Section 9952

Ian Beilin
Library|LIB 1201|Fall 2012

In this course we will explore issues in research and documentation for text (in print and online), images, sound, and multimedia. You will investigate where information comes from and how it is organized in both […]

MAT 2580 Intro to Linear Algebra – Spring 2013 – Ganguli

Suman Ganguli
Mathematics|2580|Spring 2013

An introductory course in Linear Algebra. Topics include vectors, vector spaces, systems of linear equations, linear transformations, properties of matrices, determinants, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.