Sean G’s Profile

My Courses
Adaptive Reuse Design Studio
This site can be used as a starting place for creating an OER.
Building Technology II ARCH2331, F2023
Resources for Building Technology 2 This site contains Assignment Discussion Questions and answers. References, Articles, and Link on: construction technology, codes, AutoCAD and software tools.
Building Technology III
ARCH1121 History of World Architecture to 1900, SP2023
A historical survey of architecture from early civilizations to the start of the Industrial Revolution. Architecture is examined as an expression of the culture and life of a society. Class sessions study architecture from around the world within its social, temporal, and spatial contexts. While the history of Western architecture is covered from ancient Egypt to the Enlightenment, a special focus is directed to the architectures of the Far East, South Asia, Africa, pre-Columbian Latin America, the Islamic World, and elsewhere to provide a comprehensive overview of the richness and diversity of architecture as a cultural artifact.
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