iespinoza’s Profile

Active 9 years, 9 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

PSY3405 Health Psychology, Spring 2015

PSY3405 Health Psychology, Spring 2015

This course provides an overview of existing psychological and epidemiological findings on the relationship between behavior and disease. The course explores how behavior, emotion and cognition can influence disease processes and examines the impact of stress and personal control on specific coronary, immune and infectious disease symptoms. Social support, referral and interventions for optimal physical and mental health are introduced. The interdisciplinary theme of this course will provide an overview of extant literature on theories of health psychology and behavior change within the context of critical race theory for a gained understanding of varied philosophies of science.

Graphic Arts Managemnt Office Systems GRA 1150- 7324

Graphic Arts Managemnt Office Systems GRA 1150- 7324

The class is called Graphic Arts Management Office Systems- Microsoft Office

My Projects



The ePortfolio project at New York City College of Technology “City Tech” enables students to create professional websites that will contain a number of their academic examples and learning experiences.

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