Hermann Sterling’s Profile

Active 4 years, 10 months ago
Hermann Sterling
Display Name
Hermann Sterling
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

ENG1101 Comp I, Sp2014

ENG1101 Comp I, Sp2014

This course focuses on effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. Demanding readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing. This semester we will be reading, thinking, and writing about popular culture. The class will read essays exploring contemporary American consumer culture, gender, sexuality, and race, and students will be asked to write essays analyzing a variety of popular culture texts.

ENG2420 Science Fiction, SP2016

ENG2420 Science Fiction, SP2016

We will endeavor to locate the emergence of the Science Fiction (SF) genre and unravel how SF came to be the preeminent literature of the 20th and 21st centuries. To accomplish this, we will read and watch significant examples of SF from its long history beginning with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. To demonstrate what you have learned, you will have brief, daily writing assignments, three non-cumulative exams, and a research essay. In addition to the readings, viewings, and lectures, students are strongly encouraged to add their SF knowledge to our discussions.

My Projects

Hermann Sterling hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Computer Systems Technology Colloquium

Computer Systems Technology Colloquium

The Computer Systems Technology (CST) Colloquium is dedicated to providing the students, staff, and faculty of New York City College of Technology, the City University of New York, and the greater public with access to information regarding the latest developments in computing from both a research and industrial perspective. We strive to schedule speakers that have a prominent influence in the computing field and that can engage our audience to have a deeper understanding and passion for computers, software engineering, programming languages, networks, and other topics.