gabriela narvaez’s Profile

Active 8 years, 9 months ago
gabriela narvaez
Display Name
gabriela narvaez
Academic interests


My Courses

ARCH 3510 Spring 2016

ARCH 3510 Spring 2016

Professor Bouratoglou Spring 2016 Design V M/Th 8:30-11:25am

Design Foundation II  Arch 1210 Tuesday & Thursday Fall 2012

Design Foundation II Arch 1210 Tuesday & Thursday Fall 2012

Architectural Design II: Foundations is the second course in the one year foundation sequence which increases the student’s ability to perceive visual cues, create visual design, formulate concepts, and render ideas in two or three dimensions. Students will use a combination of hand and digital skills to aid in the creation and interpretation of three dimensional objects and space, and the delineation of the same using standard projection systems.

My Projects

gabriela narvaez hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

gabriela narvaez hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.