Fahim’s Profile

Active 4 months, 3 weeks ago
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Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology
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My Courses

ENG 1121 Composition 2, Fall 2024, Section D533

ENG 1121 Composition 2, Fall 2024, Section D533

English 1121 continues the work we began in English 1101. We will work on developing critical reading and writing skills as we write about works of literature. We will discuss three literary genres: non-fiction essays, artificial intelligence, and the short story. Assignments will require students to write in different styles such as summary, citation, exposition, comparison, analysis, and research. In addition, we will utilize the City Tech digital platform called OpenLab (in addition to Brightspace), which will help us to engage with each other’s writing and world outside of the classroom.

ENG1101 English Composition 1, FA2022 D438

ENG1101 English Composition 1, FA2022 D438

A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing. Every City Tech (and CUNY) student takes Composition I, which features reading and writing assignments that will help prepare you for college and beyond. Together we will work on communicating effectively, building an argument, adapting your writing for different needs and situations, interpreting and responding to a text, incorporating and citing secondary source material. We will be reading pieces both for their inherent literary and informational value and also as models for our own writing projects. Sharing your own ideas and experiences and adding your voice to our discussions will enrich our class community. This is a Core Books course at CUNY and used First Year Writing curricula. “Books Everywhere–Books Background” avatar shared with a public domain license.

My Projects

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My Clubs

Bangladesh Students Association (BSA)

Bangladesh Students Association (BSA)

The Bangladesh Students Association (BSA) at New York City College of Technology is a student-run organization that aims to promote Bangladeshi culture and heritage on campus. We provide a space for Bangladeshi students to connect with each other, learn about their culture, and celebrate their traditions. We also host events and activities such as cultural shows and food festivals. If you are interested in learning more about Bangladeshi culture or connecting with other Bangladeshi students, please join our club! We meet every week and welcome all students. Here are some of the benefits of joining BSA: – You will learn about Bangladeshi culture and heritage. – You will meet other Bangladeshi students. – You will have the opportunity to participate in cultural events and activities. – You will be part of a welcoming and inclusive environment where you can relax and take a break from academics We invite you to become a member of BSA and embark on an exciting journey of cultural exploration and community engagement. Come join us and be a part of the BSA family at City Tech!

Fahim's Friends

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